Story Basics

How should a Heartitude Story Be Written?
A Heartitude story should be written to inspire the reader to help others, provide hope during difficult times, deliver a message of love or simply demonstrate how giving Heartitude can make the world a better place. Additional guidance on what makes a good story is as follows:
  • Your story should be between 1,000 to 1,500 words.
  • Write in the first person, as it provides the reader with a firsthand experience of your story.
  • It should have a beginning, middle and end.
  • Create a hook/tease in the beginning of the story. This will engage the reader and make them want to read your story through to its conclusion.
  • Write your story in a way that creates an emotional connection between you and the reader.
  • Write what you are comfortable sharing, but don’t be afraid to be open. Remember, someone reeading your story might be in a place in life where hearing about your experience might help them through a difficult time or inspire them to help others.
  • Share a picture that captures the essence of your story and the people for whom it has made a difference.
  • Your story should be true.
By submitting your story to the Heartitude, you are granting us permission to publish your story and/or pictures on the site and share the story on social media.

For questions, please email it to us at


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